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  • Over 500k+ logos have been created with Zarla

Hair Logo Ideas:



Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The gray-blue color palette shines with a calm and stable aesthetic, creating a professional, tranquil atmosphere that would be appealing for a hair salon. The icon's peaceful expression complements this brand message, while the long curls of hair create a sophisticated pattern. The crisp, elegant Federo typeface is perfect for online marketing.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The happy, proud expression on this figure's face shows that they are extremely happy with their full curls and new style. Tones of blue highlight this business's skill with hair and encourage customers to trust in the brand — complementing the happiness of the icon. Meanwhile, the retro Libre Franklin typeface shows respect for tradition.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The modern style of the Abhaya Libre typeface optimizes this logo for use in online marketing and branding, perfect for the modern business. This icon's hair blowing in the breeze hints at traditional ads for haircare products that show healthy hair. The peach color palette evokes feelings of warmth and joy, while dark blue shows professionalism.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The full, bouncy curls in this afro are a great representation of haircare products or a salon dedicated to Black hair. Vivid orange draws attention to the brand and conveys the happiness and excitement customers will feel using your products or services. Meanwhile, the strong Play typeface conveys a professional yet friendly aesthetic.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The large, rounded letters of the Comfortaa typeface ensure the business name stands out, aiding brand memorability, and conveying a friendly aesthetic. Bright pink is traditionally used to advertise products for women, and yellow-green brings a bright, happy, organic element that is complemented by the leaves and flowers crowning the icon.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The dark gray-brown color palette gives this design a strong, neutral, and professional quality that complements the hair and beard in this logo aimed at a male-identifying target audience. The icon suggests products or services aimed at both hair and facial hair, while the Nunito Sans typeface balances the design with well-structured letterforms.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The full afro in this icon suggests that your business knows how to care for Black hair and that customers can trust in your expertise. The quaint style of the Alice typeface adds a retro, eclectic fashion that says your business is innovative in their products or services, while the copper color palette suggests high quality products or services.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The windswept look of this icon creates a subtly sci-fi aesthetic, enhanced by the small dots, that suggests out of this world hair care. The clean Cormorant Unicase typeface complements this design style with its eye-catching futuristic letterforms, while the sky blue color conveys peace, serenity, and a sense of loyalty and trust.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

Bright red is an attention grabbing color, drawing the eye and conveying a sense of strength, confidence, and power. The vintage frame on the icon suggests a business that respects tradition, perhaps a traditional barbershop, as the full beard and moustache suggests. This idea is complemented by the elegant and vintage style Josefin Sans typeface.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The serious black color palette creates a brand message of professionalism, elegance, and power, suggesting a hair business that is a leader within the industry. The swirls created by the negative space in the icon draw the eye in, keeping attention on your logo, while the clean appearance of the Miriam Libre typeface conveys a modern brand.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The large letters of the Questrial typeface give your business name a headlining quality, drawing attention and showing the importance of your business. Pink is sweet and playful, appealing to a younger target audience, and traditionally shows a feminine product or service. Meanwhile, the hair blowing in the breeze suggests health and style.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

Dark blue is a professional, corporate color, and is traditionally used to advertise male products or services. The almost cartoon style of the icon may hint at a business that provides wigs and false beards and moustaches to create a traditionally male look, while the geometric Sen typeface complements the professional aesthetic of the logo.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

An afro made up of bubbles creates a funky, retro vibe that conveys fun, excitement, and good times. The slightly rounded Rubik typeface complements the friendly, welcoming aesthetic of this design, while cyan offers visual contrast with a cool, contemporary look and a tranquil, inspiring energy that works well with the icon's peaceful expression.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The monolinear Poppins typeface creates balance with the busy icon for a visually pleasing, contemporary logo design. The dark purplish pink conveys a sense of mystery and magic, hinting that your hair care products or services are out of this world. Meanwhile, the gentle figure with locks blowing in the breeze conveys happiness and health.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The trendy, modern cut of this icon's hair and beard makes a great image for a hair salon specializing in modern hair trends and styles. Dark blue gives the logo a corporate look, assuring customers of your professionalism and trustworthiness, while the strong Public Sans typeface provides a solid, neutral base to build a brand on.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

This queen looks out at the world with her hair as her crowning glory, indicating how your hair products or services will make customers feel. The robust DM Serif Text typeface helps the brand name stand out, making this logo perfect for displays and branding. Meanwhile, the sky blue color palette adds a sense of peace and spirituality to the logo.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

A strong black color palette creates a modern, trendy style that conveys a brand with power and authority in the industry. The cool look of the skull with healthy hair and sunglasses reinforces the power of the logo and adds a contrasting sense of life to the design. The retro Libre Franklin typeface complements the look of the icon.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

Bright red is an attention-grabbing color and acts as a call to arms, encouraging customers to hurry and buy your products or use your services. The rounded icon creates a community feel, suggesting a product or service that can be used by all customers. Meanwhile, the classic style of the Noto Serif typeface adds a professional aesthetic.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The hand drawn style of the icon conveys a personal, friendly aesthetic that is visually contrasted by the strong, professional looking Cinzel typeface, creating a well-balanced logo that will appeal to a variety of customers. Green conveys a brand that is environmentally friendly, which will appeal to the modern, sustainability-conscious market.

Hair logo for a business called Lofty Locks. Edit

The traditionally male and female figures in the icon, joined by their hair, suggests a hair salon specializing in couples treatments. The use of bright pink adds to the sweetness and romance of the image, enhancing the couples aesthetic, while the smooth Marko One typeface uses eye-catching details to draw attention to the brand name.

Hair Product Logos

10 compelling logo suggestions for your hair product business.


  1. Think about the type of image you want to convey and that suits your niche.
  2. Do some research and take inspiration from existing hair logos.
  3. Identify which colors, fonts, icons, and logo styles best represent your business.
  4. Experiment with a logo maker to create the right design for your brand.
  5. Share your top 10 designs with potential customers and ask for their honest feedback.
  6. Choose the best logo and download it.

What are some great hair logo ideas?

A figure with a luscious, full head of hair is one of the best images for a hair brand as it shows the health and vitality customers can expect in their hair when using your products or services. Combine this with a strong color palette, such as red, green, or blue, and an inviting, professional typeface, such as Sen, for a complete design. Take a look at our collection of hair logo examples for inspiration.

Where can I download a hair logo design for free?

You can create, edit, and download free hair logos on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples, or by using our logo maker.

Can I use a 3D hair logo design for my brand?

Absolutely. 3D logos are a modern design trend that adds depth and weight to your logo. You should just be careful not to make your logo too busy.

How do I come up with the best hair logos?

The best hair logos use icons, colors, and fonts to convey the brand message to customers. So, research color theory to find colors that match your brand aesthetic, look into different typeface options, and think about a logo that shows your business niche.

How do I design a logo for hair?

  1. Read through your business plan for design ideas.
  2. Consider how to convey your niche with your icon, or if an abstract design would work for you.
  3. Research color theory to find one to three colors that convey your brand message.
  4. Research typefaces to find one that suits your brand aesthetic.
  5. Use a logo maker or hold a design contest to combine your elements into a great logo.
  6. Show your logo to friends, family, and potential customers for feedback.
  7. Use the feedback to tweak your logo design.

Can I use a hair logo for boys?

You can use a male figure or image of a boy in your hair logo design, but it is important to remember that in our modern age of gender fluidity, a more gender-neutral logo would appeal to a wider target market.

Should my hair logo be in PNG format?

A logo in PNG format is great for branding as these files can be downloaded with transparent backgrounds, meaning they can be used on any surface and any promotional item.

What is a good hair logo for braids?

Consider an abstract image of ribbons that twist around each other as a representation of braids. Combine this icon with a strong color palette that reflects your brand message and a handwritten style typeface that hints at the hands-on approach to creating braids.

Where can I find a hair logo idea template?

Zarla offers a free, AI-powered logo maker that can generate hundreds of templates in seconds from just a few input keywords. Each template is customizable and can be downloaded for free.

Where can I find hair logo ideas for Instagram?

Use Zarla's free logo maker to design and edit a hair logo for your business. You can then download your logo for free in a range of sizes and formats, including one that is perfect for Instagram as well as other social media platforms.

Can I use a Black hair logo design?

If your hair products or services are tailored to care for Black hair needs, then a Black hair logo is the way to go. This type of logo will help your brand stand out from the traditional hair logos out there and will attract your target audience.

What are some examples of hair logo images?

  • A figure with long hair blowing in the breeze.
  • A figure with a healthy afro.
  • A traditionally male figure with a good head of hair and a beard.
  • Organic elements, such as leaves or flowers.
  • An abstract image that has meaning for your brand.

What are some cute hair logo ideas?

Pastel colors create a cute effect, so try a color like light pink in your logo. Combine this with a cartoon-style mascot and a handwritten typeface for a cute logo aesthetic.

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