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Turkish Restaurant Logo Ideas:



Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

Red-orange is reminiscent of the spices rubbed onto the meat cooked in Turkish restaurants and conveys a sense of excitement and enthusiasm for this cuisine. The knife and fork beside the kebab suggest dining in, rather than street food, while the clean Hind Madurai typeface ensures your business name is legible in all sizes.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The geometric Sarabun typeface gives this logo a serious, professional aesthetic that suggests a more fine dining establishment. Vivid orange conveys the creativity of your brand and encourages sociability at your restaurant. The oriental style of the icon, which looks like a lantern, is a reference to the origins of Turkish cuisine.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The circular slashing frames around the döner add dynamic energy to the design and convey that its all about the meat in this Turkish restaurant. The full personality of the Krona One typeface complements the dynamic icon and helps with brand memorability, while the dominant dark gray color palette adds a hint of elegance and sophistication.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The brown tone of this design conveys a stable, confident brand and also references the kebabs, döner, and koftas which are staple proteins in Turkish cuisine. This theme is enhanced by the flaming shish kebab, creating a mouth-watering image for this logo, while the strength of the Public Sans typeface provides a neutral base to build the brand on.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

This circular icon is reminiscent of Turkish motifs with its curved lines and symmetrical design, and the dining set surrounded by stars indicates high-quality fine dining. The retro Libre Franklin typeface complements the elegance of this design, while golden orange glows against the dark background, enhancing the fine dining aesthetic.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The rounded Dosis typeface brings a sense of welcome and friendliness to this design that welcomes all comers to your restaurant. The wreaths and stars around the icon highlight the quality and style of your Turkish restaurant, while the black and white color palette conveys a sense of power, elegance, and professionalism.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The use of green in your logo typically means that your business is environmentally friendly and uses organic products for sustainability. Inspired by hand-painted signs, the Poetsen One typeface is perfect for marketing your Turkish restaurant and getting people to notice your brand. Meanwhile, the döner perfectly reflects your food style.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

This icon looks exactly like a traditional Turkish motif and the shapes around the circle are also reminiscent of cloches, suggesting high-quality, fine dining. The handwritten style of the Pattaya typeface suggests each customer can expect personal service, while bright orange promises a positive, creative dining experience.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The contemporary Boogaloo typeface brings a creative, arty flare to this design that may hint at a restaurant offering live music. The icon's frame is reminiscent of Ottoman motifs, while the chili pepper, a staple of Eastern cuisine, is highlighted by the red color. The red and orange against the dark background adds positive and creative energy.

Turkish restaurant logo for a business called Turkish Taste. Edit

The mustachioed chef is the epitome of a classic Turkish chef and his smiling face suggests pride in his work that customers will benefit from. The geometric Poppins typeface offers a sense of stability, strength, and professionalism, while dark red grabs attention from passersby and conveys a brand that is passionate, bold, and playful.

Kebab Restaurant Logos

10 delicious logo ideas for your kebab restaurant.


What are some famous Turkish restaurant logos?

  • AnTalia
  • La Turka Restaurant.
  • Sip Sak.
  • Sahara's Turkish Cuisine.
  • Zaytinya.
  • Sea Salt.
  • Barbounia.
  • Blue Mezze Bar.

Where can I download Turkish restaurant logos for free?

You can create, edit, and download Turkish restaurant logos for free on Zarla by clicking on "Edit" below one of our examples, or by using our logo maker.

What are some good Turkish restaurant logo images?

Your Turkish restaurant logo icon should reflect the brand message of your business or create an enticing image to attract customers. Try using an image of your food to show your niche, an Ottoman style motif to highlight your culture, or just a mascot to attract families.

Should my Turkish restaurant logo be in PNG format?

A logo in PNG format is perfect for branding as these logos can be downloaded with transparent backgrounds, meaning they can be used on any surface and turned into stickers for promotional items.

What is the Turkish restaurant logo meaning?

Your Turkish restaurant logo should have meaning for you and your business. It can reflect why you started your business, your brand message, or what you want your customers to feel when eating at your restaurant. Research color theory and typefaces to find the perfect fit for your brand.

How do I make a Turkish restaurant logo design?

  1. Identify what makes your business and food stand out.
  2. Find icons that reflect Turkish cuisine.
  3. Choose two or three colors for your logo and a typeface that matches your aesthetic.
  4. Use a logo maker to generate ideas.
  5. Design a few options and show them to friends and family for feedback.
  6. Use the feedback to tweak the top-ranked design and download it.

Is there a Turkish restaurant logo font?

There is no set font or typeface for a Turkish restaurant, so you can choose any typeface that suits your business aesthetic. Have a look at our collection of logo ideas for inspiration.

Where can I find a Turkish restaurant logo idea template?

Zarla offers a free, AI-powered logo maker that generates hundreds of templates in seconds. Each template is customizable and can be downloaded completely free of charge.

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