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50 Famous Brand Logos to Inspire You:

1. Nike.

An ambitious sports apparel company needed a logo that projected speed and glory. It drew inspiration from the wings of the Greek goddess of victory, Nike. The swoosh shape of the Nike logo encourages movement and speed, and its streamlined design promises activewear that makes you faster and stronger. This logo appeals to its target market.

Geometric simplicity allows the Nike logo to be recognizable on any medium, be it on the side of a shoe or a billboard in Times Square.

Variations of the Nike logo:

2. Apple.

The Apple logo is a great example of brand identity embodied by visual design. Apple wanted to position itself as distinct from the bland technology brands of the 90s, be they Microsoft or IBM.

Their new approach emphasized technological aesthetics as much as technological performance. They wanted to make their products desirable, so they used the biblical “bite of the apple” to express both desire and empowerment.

The principle of simplicity is applied to great effect. The bite could easily have left teeth marks, but Apple favored simple, minimalist linework that is more visually pleasing and uncomplicated, making it an instantly recognizable logo.

Variations of the Apple logo:

3. Chanel.

The iconic interlocking C's of the Chanel logo were designed by founder Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel in 1925 and have remained a feature of the brand since. Created to reflect the initials of her name, the logo combines geometric, clean lines that form a subtle oval shape denoting the timelessness of the brand.

When added to the logo, the company name appears in a traditional-looking, custom sans serif typeface called Chanel. The logo remains monochromatic, featuring only black and white, echoing themes of longevity, power, and beauty.

Variations of the Chanel logo:

4. Facebook.

Using a single letter as the face of your branding material can improve brand awareness by making your brand synonymous with that letter. In the case of Facebook, whenever we see a blue “F” on web pages, we instantly recognize it as the Facebook share icon. This is a great way of making your company familiar and commonplace.

Lowercase letters give the impression of geniality and are used to show a friendly face to the world, while the blue color balances affability with a dose of professionalism and trust.

Variations of the Facebook logo:

5. World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

If you run a nonprofit or a business with a benevolent mission statement of effecting positive change in the world, making an emotional appeal is a fitting strategy. You would want to connect with people and make them empathize with your cause in an effort to generate attention and raise funds.

WWF achieves this by centering the image of an endangered panda on its logo. Using the rare animal in its branding makes it synonymous with the organization and has come to represent protection, urgency, and environmentalism. The Gothic-style typeface and black and white color palette denote a respected and professional organization.

Variations of the WWF logo:

6. Google.

If you want to draw attention to your business name and make it a household name, you might stand to benefit from a text-only logo that does not use icons or imagery, centering your name and giving it power instead.

This is exactly what Google had in mind when designing its logo. They wanted their search engine to be the portal for all the world’s information, and thus needed a logo that emphasized their name.

The use of a varied color palette ensures that a pretty basic design contains some visual interest, with colors that contrast and create a vibrant atmosphere.

Variations of the Google logo:

7. IBM.

The IBM logo is a great example of a business identity baked into its logo design. Parallel lines that run through its initials symbolize speed, efficiency, and performance; qualities the company wants its technology to be known for.

The weighty serifs on the company initials and bold strokes of the custom typeface make the business name powerful and imposing, giving it the personality of a leader in the technology space.

The evolution of the IBM logo:

8. BMW.

If you want to brand your company as “authentically American” or, in the case of BMW, “authentically German,” BMW makes a great case study.

Transferring the qualities of one brand to another is a clever technique, as BMW uses the state colors of Bavaria (blue and white) to imbue the car manufacturer with German attributes of efficiency, reliability, and strength. The logo also pays homage to the country’s proud car-making history.

Circles symbolize continuity, progress, and iteration, while also loosely resembling the wheels of a car.

The evolution of the BMW logo:

9. Mercedes Benz.

Some logos tell a story, and that is certainly true of Mercedes Benz’s three-pointed star. Each point of the star represents a landscape upon which their vehicles operate: land, air, and sea.

Another story says that Gottlieb Daimler, one of the company’s founders, marked his house with a three-pointed star on a postcard to his family, hoping that one day the star would bring prosperity to his factory. Crafting such rich lore around your logo creates deep emotional connections with your brand and makes it memorable to consumers.

An earlier version of the logo had the three-pointed star encased in a laurel wreath. The wreath gave a sense of prestige to the design, but it was later dropped in favor of simple geometric lines that are more recognizable. Its silver color bathes it in luxury and denotes a premium brand.

Variations of the Mercedes Benz logo:

10. Walmart.

A business that deals directly with customers, such as a retailer, will need a friendly and approachable logo that welcomes them in. Walmart uses these techniques to great effect. The blue and white color combination conveys trust, reliability, and harmony, while the touch of yellow creates a positive and uplifting mood.

The lightbulb icon symbolizes the spark of finding something new or exciting on their shelves, generating thrills and exhilaration at the prospect of shopping at Walmart.

Using a sans serif typeface can create soft, rounded lettering that amplifies the friendly atmosphere while staying large and centered.

Variations of the Walmart logo:

11. Visa.

Credit card companies or companies that facilitate online transactions need to project trust, reliability, and security. These ideas are cleverly communicated using the color blue, which is a staple in the banking and financial sector for the feelings of stability and professionalism that it fosters in people.

The business name slants to the right and the winged “V” expresses motion and speed that says “speedy transactions.”

Clarity and simplicity aid brand recognition, and the Visa logo abides by this principle to create an uncomplicated logo that has become one of the most recognized names in the financial sector. People trust what they know, and the easier it is for them to remember your brand, the easier it is to trust you.

The evolution of the Visa logo:

12. eBay.

Color is used strategically in the eBay logo. It symbolizes variety and suits a business that is renowned for hosting a seemingly unlimited variety of things to buy and sell.

It also shows off the quirky and unpretentious personality of the company, which has humble roots in the early internet era, while the lowercase letters create a modest and sincere appeal.

This personality is balanced with clean, modern lines that appeal to the modern era and adds a dose of professionalism to the brand, marking a departure from the exaggerated, haphazard lettering of its former version.

eBay proves that a balanced design can prevent a logo from being too whimsical or upbeat, or too bland and professional. By mixing vibrant colors with a clean typeface, it shows off the best of its personality in simple visual terms.

Variations of the eBay logo:

13. FedEx.

A logo that features a visual metaphor for the business it represents makes a clever design that people will remember. In the case of FedEx, a package delivery company renowned for speed and reliability, using negative space to form an arrow is a great way of associating your business with movement, action, and determination.

Color is also used strategically, as the “Ex” part of the name changes in color depending on the part of the business it represents, be it express, freight, office, or other.

Logos with hidden meanings also facilitate engagement and memorability. When people discover something interesting about a logo, it leads them to an “aha!” moment that they appreciate and remember. The FedEx logo is ubiquitous across America, but it always prompts the viewer to stop and take a proper look at that clever little arrow.

Variations of the FedEx logo:

14. Coca-Cola.

The more unique and distinctive your logo, the easier it is to spot in a saturated media landscape. The Coca-Cola logo’s distinctiveness is owing to its typeface. The swirling, looping, intricate linework of the Coca-Cola typeface acts as a brand identifier, making it one of the most recognizable brands in the world.

Handwriting also induces feelings of familiarity, creating bonds between brand and consumer. “This is the company you know and love” is what it says to the world.

The logo’s bright red color is attention-grabbing and conveys love and passion, making positive associations with the brand. Omitting icons is a great way to center your business name and shine the spotlight on it.

Variations of the Coca-Cola logo:

15. The Olympics.

Effective use of symbolism can create an intriguing design whose meaning is not manifest, prompting viewers to engage with the logo in order to make sense of it. This engagement ensures that the logo is given attention, aiding memorability.

In the case of the Olympics logo, five interlocking rings of different color symbolizes the unity of different continents through competition. A diverse color palette expresses the diversity of flags and the people who represent them, embodying the spirit of the Olympics brand.

There are plenty of text-only logos that feature only a business name but rarely is it the case that a logo features imagery without a business name. Icon-only logos are both intriguing and brandable for this reason.

Variations of the Olympics logo:

16. Disney.

When a logo takes on the life of the brand it represents, you know you have a hit. In the case of Disney, a typeface that has the childlike appearance of crayon on paper, when paired with the icon of a fairytale castle, evokes feelings of playfulness and naive creativity that are synonymous with the brand.

Another way this logo creates meaning is by its mimicking the signature of its founder, Walt Disney. The company was built on the charismatic founder’s spirit of creative expression and imagination, and the font that resembles his stylized signature pays homage to this legendary man.

This is a great idea for companies that want to build their identity around a cult hero.

Variations of the Disney logo:

17. GAP.

Creative use of space makes the Gap logo a hit in the fashion world and one of the most noticeable designs around. Sharp serifs denote a stylish brand that pays attention to detail and appearances, while the exaggerated spacing between its letters creates an airy, minimalist mood that is both artsy and comforting.

This logo embraces the “less is more” mantra with open arms. Its simplicity makes it scalable and versatile, suitable for the pages of magazines and large billboards. Simplicity and sophistication are married to great effect, making a logo that is timeless and attractive without being pretentious.

Variations of the GAP logo:

18. McDonald’s.

The giant “M” that has come to be synonymous with delicious burgers has many interpretations. “M” stands for McDonald’s and using a letter to denote a brand is a proven way to make it stick. It also resembles the long, thin french fries that the company is famous for, and its golden color mimics the color of golden fried potatoes.

They also resemble arches, which convey ideas of stability. They say “this is your staple and steady diet, and the standard against which other burgers are measured.”

The simplicity of the design makes it instantly recognizable as “the McDonald’s” sign, and a simple glance at it teases the taste buds. Everyone from toddlers to grandparents see the “M” and think “tasty fast-food,” making it the universal symbol of deliciousness.

The bright red color against which the icon stands mimics the color of ketchup and conveys flavor and passion.

The evolution of the McDonald's logo:

19. Pepsi.

The Pepsi logo has always been light on details, favoring simplicity and symbolism to make its mark. It omits the Pepsi name from its logo and uses a simple circle as its emblem, with the colors of blue, red, and white breaking the simple geometry.

Red, white, and blue mimic the American flag, branding the company as an authentic American drink. The white section resembles a smile and symbolizes the happy feelings of cracking open a Pepsi, and the circular icon resembles a bottle cap.

The success of the logo shows that a simple design, when combined with effective use of color, can signal a brand without needing to include a business name. When people recognize your brand by its symbol, your company owns a piece of the consumer’s imagination.

Variations of the Pepsi logo:

20. Microsoft.

When you have a popular product, it's a good idea to emphasize it in your branding. Microsoft's flagship product, the Windows operating system, inspires the logo of a geometric window. The large window is made up of four smaller ones, each with a color that holds special meaning, and the gray color of the business name adds a professional touch.

Orange is the color of productivity and represents their Microsoft Office suite, green is the color of their X-Box and gaming division, representing leisure and entertainment, yellow is the color of Bing and represents speed and efficiency, while blue is the Windows color and conveys stability and reliability.

Color symbolism can say a lot about your business, but ensure that it is paired with simple geometric shapes. Clean squares that make windows create clear boundaries for the many colors and ensure that they have a confined space to play in.

Variations of the Microsoft logo:

21. Shell.

The evolution of the Shell logo is a perfect example of how simplicity can lead to better design. The Shell logo of the 1940s showed a realistic depiction of a scallop shell, with all its grooves and ridges in three-dimensional form, but the current version is a flat, two-dimensional shape with sparse linework representing the shell grooves.

The logo is instantly recognizable as the Shell logo and sometimes appears without the name, just like the McDonald’s or Nike logos.

The thick red outline of the shell icon gives it boldness and a sense of authority that befits a leader in the oil and gas industry. This, along with the bright red and yellow color combination, ensures that the logo is salient on highways and lets drivers know where they can find a station.

The evolution of the Shell logo:

22. Starbucks.

A logo with a seafaring theme is hardly appropriate for a coffee shop, yet the Starbucks logo is one of the most recognizable of all time. How did that happen?

Some argue that the logo’s nautical imagery points to coffee’s history at sea, as traders from all around the world brought the magical beans to western shores. Others say that the nautical theme is a homage to the city of Seattle.

Branding a business around a city is a great idea, as it transfers the qualities of that city to your brand, similar to BMW and Bavaria. Starbucks thus becomes synonymous with the coastal city of Seattle and takes on a new life as a proud representative of the city.

An interesting point about the Starbucks logo is that it defies conventional design principles of geometric simplicity in favor of a detailed design. This approach only works if you want your logo to be intriguing. The busy icon of a siren compels viewers to engage with it and ponder its meaning.

Variations of the Starbucks logo:

23. Target.

Symbols are easier to remember than texts, and logos that favor symbolism over text are easier to recall.

This was a great decision in the case of Target, as the word “Target” could easily be swapped for an icon of a target. The icon works better than the word in saying “find what you’re looking for at our stores,” and has become an emblem for the company.

Minimalist shapes and clean designs are easier to spot and remember, while circles are visually interesting shapes that hold attention and convey ideas of harmony and balance. Red and white offer great contrast and make the logo more salient in an ocean of advertising.

Variations of the Target logo:

24. Toyota.

The Toyota logo shows how simple geometry, when combined, can create plenty of visual interest that sets it apart from competitors. The first oval — the bigger one — symbolizes a steering wheel, and the two interlocking ovals inside of it depict the unity between machine and driver.

The infinity symbol that it makes is no coincidence — it is meant to represent the ceaseless nature of innovation and advancement of automobiles in order to advance our lives. The sense of order that the interlocking ovals create conveys ideas of security, trust, and social responsibility.

Simple geometry with muted colors can speak louder than expressive icons with vibrant hues. They work to brand this car company as professional, reliable, and innovative.

The evolution of the Toyota logo:

25. Samsung.

If you’re going to break design rules, break them with intention. At first glance, the Samsung logo appears asymmetrical. The business name does not align with its encasing oval and the sides of the “S” and “G” appear to cross the boundary of the shape.

Yet there is meaning behind these design choices. The oval symbolizes the universe, while the name that crosses the boundary of the universe symbolizes Samsung’s mission of making appliances that are ubiquitous and universal, with every home having a Samsung product.

Blue brands a business as dependable, saying “you can rely on Samsung products to always deliver,” suiting a brand that is an industry leader and the standard for electronic development.

Variations of the Samsung logo:

26. Ford.

If your company is built around a cult of personality, as in the case of Walt Disney, it is a great idea to emphasize that person in your branding.

Henry Ford was a pioneer of American business and introduced the assembly line production technique. He is synonymous with strength and determination and is a proudly American icon. When using his signature on the company logo, it endows the business with those very qualities.

Ford has come to represent toughness, stability, and reliability, and the blue color amplifies these qualities. Placed inside an oval, it mimics a badge that drivers wear with pride.

The evolution of the Ford logo:

27. Honda.

A logo that embodies a company slogan makes for a well-rounded design that brings all elements of the company together.

Honda’s slogan is “The power of dreams,” and the letter that stands for “Honda” also depicts a figure reaching for the stars. The legs of the letter were designed to be shorter than the arms, giving the figure the posture of reaching upwards.

This clever approach to design resonates with people, and the hidden meaning behind it creates an extra layer that deepens connections with the brand.

The silver color of the logo conveys professionalism, suiting a company that takes seriously the production of automobiles that people can rely on.

Variations of the Honda logo:

28. Hewlett Packard.

When a business takes on the name of its founders, and those founders have a combined name that isn’t easy to remember, you might benefit from initializing them. This might not be an issue for a law firm or financial institution that wants to appear stately and prestigious, but you need a punchier identifier in the tech space.

“HP” makes for a more memorable, snappier emblem. The slanted design of the letters creates a sense of movement that projects dynamism and suits a brand that is synonymous with progress and technological innovation.

Variations of the HP logo:

29. Exxon Mobil.

Repetition is a key principle in logo design. It is a great way to reinforce an idea or a name, and the emphasis on the repeated “X” in the Exxon Mobil logo places all the attention on it. This seemingly mundane design choice is an effective way of breaking a conservative design with some visual interest.

The stacked “X” design that breaks uniformity creates intensity. It suggests a large and powerful presence in its industry and a determination to dominate. The red color matches this intensity, communicating ambition, strength, and success.

Variations of the Exxon Mobil logo:

30. BP.

BP serves as a great example of a logo that is cognizant of a company’s environmental, social, and political context. BP has always maintained its commitment to environmentally responsible practices, with a public stance of reducing its carbon emissions and promoting climate change awareness.

Incorporating the colors of green and yellow was a smart decision. Green signals an environmentally conscious brand, or one with commitments to sustainability, while yellow hints at alternative energy sources, such as solar power. This decision made BP part of the solution, not the problem. The flower icon shows sensitivity to the environment.

Variations of the BP logo:

31. Volkswagen.

A name that is not easy to say on western shores can stand to gain from being abbreviated. Volkswagen, the German automaker, has come to be known affectionately as “VW,” and the abbreviation is emphasized in their branding. The “V” and the “W” interact seamlessly, showing off creative linework that is pleasing to the eye.

This geometric efficiency mirrors the efficiency of German engineering and suggests a premium driving experience. Blue and white convey trust, reliability, and harmony between driver and machine.

The evolution of the Volkswagen logo shows the company’s shift from a three-dimensional design to a two-dimensional one, favoring simplicity that has seen it become one of the most popular logos around.

The evolution of the Volkswagen logo:

32. Colgate.

A handy trick in advertising is to focus your messaging on the benefits of your product and not the features of the product.

Colgate is a toothpaste brand, but its logo shows off a smile that tells customers to imagine their ideal smiles after restoring the health and appearance of their teeth. This taps into the emotions associated with beauty and attraction after whitening their teeth.

All of this is achieved with one simple stroke that symbolizes a smile. No teeth, lips, or tongue are visible — just a clean white stroke. This geometric simplicity aids recognition and memorability.

The slanted design of the typeface mimics the sideways motion of brushing one’s teeth, injecting dynamism and fun into the business name, while its lowercase letters show a friendly brand that is fun and inviting. Red amplifies this dynamic appeal and white mimics the color of clean teeth.

Variations of the Colgate logo:

33. Batman.

The Batman logo is a perfect example of a symbol that embodies an emotion.

Batman wants to instill fear in the minds of criminals. He wants them to tremble at the sight of his sigil, so he chose an animal that is synonymous with fear: the bat. The beauty of tying emotion to a symbol is that he need only display it to communicate exactly what he wants, with simple visuals.

The current version of the Batman logo is a prime example of the power of simplicity. A simple, minimalist outline of a bat, without detail, is more recognizable than an anatomically accurate depiction with fangs and claws, while its singular black color is apt and helps induce feelings of fear.

This strategy need not be confined to the comic book world. Think about the emotions that associate with your brand, be they feelings of happiness, renewal, pride, or more, and think of symbols that encapsulate those feelings without having to say much else.

The evolution of the Batman logo:

34. Superman.

Superman stands for many things. He stands for justice, hope, and strength. He needed a symbol that encapsulated these three ideas, and his marketing team hit the nail on the head.

The shield shape conveys honor, duty, and justice. The bold strokes of the “S” letter show off might and authority, displaying confidence and hope for humanity. The letter “S” is also a homage to Superman’s heritage in his homeland and is the Kryptonian symbol for hope.

The superman logo is a great example of the value of custom fonts. If you want to make your logo unique, consider investing in a custom typeface that embodies the qualities of your brand.

The “S” inside of the shield was designed by specialist typographers whose design brief was to create a symbol that cannot be replicated by other brands. This helped to give Superman a unique place in the superhero mythos.

The evolution of the Superman logo:

35. Dove.

Just as Batman uses the bat to project fear, Dove uses the symbol of a dove to project its values of care, harmony, and ease. Doves convey a softness that is in line with the idea of soft, tender, and elegant skin, and so using this symbol is an effective way of associating with these qualities.

The fine lettering of the business name has the appearance of calligraphy with a soft, gentle hand. This ties nicely into the theme of the logo.

Blue symbolizes trust and confidence, easing any anxieties customers might have about the quality of their products, while the gold finish of the icon bathes the brand in luxury and refinement, saying “treat yourself.”

Variations of the Dove logo:

36. Lacoste.

Logos with stories behind them create depth and a sense of history that denotes an old and prestigious brand. This is ideal if your brand is associated with luxury and distinction, and is precisely what Lacoste has achieved.

The icon of a crocodile draws inspiration from a story involving René Lacoste and his French compatriot, who placed a bet on an expensive crocodile leather suitcase he couldn’t afford, should he have won the match. The suitcase remained elusive, but it gave birth to the luxury clothing company we now know as Lacoste.

The simple icon of a crocodile creates intrigue and personality that compels people to engage with the logo. When paired with the sleek, refined lines of the sans serif font, it makes an elegant and classy logo that suits a luxury fashion brand.

The evolution of the Lacoste logo:

37. Verizon.

It’s remarkable how one simple design tweak can give an otherwise bland and ordinary logo a whole new life.

The Verizon logo features its name in a bold black Helvetica typeface and a small red checkmark next to it. The checkmark says “communication that works,” but earlier versions of the logo had a checkmark that was double the size of the business name.

The addition of a check sign added a new layer to the logo without creating too much visual noise. A larger check, or one that was more stylized, might have distracted attention or diminished the impact of the contrasting color. A subtle check is more noticeable without needing to shout.

The result is a logo that can be easily scaled to new dimensions without being too imposing.

Variations of the Verizon logo:

38. National Geographic.

Before National Geographic was a television channel, they were a magazine. They were famous for their reporting on natural science, history, and culture, but especially for their award-winning wildlife and nature photography. The yellow portrait frame thus came to symbolize exquisite photography and the pages of a magazine.

Yellow symbolizes sunshine or the sunlit plains of the savannah, signaling National Geographic’s breadth of coverage and establishing a link with nature. The yellow color pops against the black background, as does the business name in white, giving it salience. This simple design is versatile and highly recognizable.

The use of a modern, sans-serif typeface coincided with a shift to the era of digital media. This gave the logo a fresh and modern feel that was fitting for a brand that now existed across multiple media formats, and its size in the logo gave power and respect to the business name.

Variations of the National Geographic logo:

39. Audi.

The Audi logo is another great example where iconography, when done right, warrants the exclusion of a business name.

The icon features four interlocking rings that represent the union of the four manufacturing companies into the one company that became Audi. The icon symbolizes strength through unity and cooperation, while circles also demonstrate the perpetual cycle of innovation and engineering.

The simplicity of the design has made it one of the most popular car logos around. People see the four rings and associate them with technological supremacy, attention to detail, and beauty. When a single symbol can elicit a range of ideas, it becomes a masterpiece in visual branding.

The evolution of the Audi logo:

40. BBC.

The BBC is a British public service broadcaster and has a design aesthetic that is uniquely British. A neutral color palette, modest and clean lettering, and three black squares have a stately personality that is inspired by British conservatism. Black conveys dignity and befits a brand renowned for premium content.

Repetition is a key design principle that is in play with this logo. Three black squares of equal proportion, with equal spacing between them, is a powerful persuasive technique that serves to reinforce an idea.

When laid out in this style, the three letters “BBC” are given status, authority, and competence, positioning it as a respected voice in British and global culture.

Variations of the BBC logo:

41. Nestlé.

While simplicity is key when it comes to logo design, sometimes a busy, detailed design can be intriguing and provoke questions about its meaning.

In the case of Nestlé, the icon of a bird feeding her younglings in a nest has two meanings. Nestlé translates to “Nest” from German, and it also symbolizes nourishment of the young, which suits a business that makes food products for infants and children.

The sans serif typeface is bold and powerful, and its unique lettering makes it distinctive. There is a balance between icon and business name, with neither dominating the visual hierarchy.

Variations of the Nestlé logo:

42. Amazon.

Logos with hidden messages demonstrate an attention to detail that does not go unnoticed by consumers. In the case of Amazon, the arrow beneath the business name starts at “A” and ends at “Z,” saying “shop for anything from A to Z on Amazon.” This clever trick is perfect for the retail giant.

The fact that it creates a smile is a bonus, as smiles induce feelings of trust and are great for customer-facing brands. Thirdly, the arrow symbolizes movement and efficiency, suiting a company that prides itself on its speedy deliveries.

Contrast is a useful tool for holding attention. The Amazon logo features the colors of black and orange, with black expressing premium quality and orange symbolizing energy and excitement. The black and orange pairing creates beautiful contrast that makes a more engaging logo.

Variations of the Amazon logo:

43. Unilever.

The Unilever logo expertly balances simplicity and detail, showing that both principles can be harnessed to great effect. The letter “U” represents the company and acts as an emblem. Inside the letter are 25 different objects that symbolize sustainable living.

The beauty of this design is in the boundary the letter “U” creates. It allows for creative expression and detail, but confines it to the boundaries of the “U,” making a design that is both clean and detailed at the same time. Some of the objects inside the letter are a bee, a spoon, and a strand of hair.

Some argue that each object correlates with a brand that falls under the Unilever umbrella, as the company owns hundreds of brands, including beauty brands, nutritional brands, and more.

Variations of the Unilever logo:

44. Hyundai.

The “H” in the Hyundai logo has a double meaning. At first glance, it uses the company initial as its emblem, but a closer inspection shows creative use of negative space, where two hands come together to shake.

This symbolizes Hyundai’s company mission, which is to make automobiles that consumers want to buy, while signifying harmony between consumer and brand.

The custom typeface of the logo also catches the eye. It has a modern, futuristic design with crisp linework that is attractive. Its modern style portrays a future-focused carmaker with reinvention and development at its foundation.

Variations of the Hyundai logo:

45. Sony.

It comes as no surprise that some logos embody the design principles of their country or culture.

Japanese and minimalism go hand-in-hand, and the minimalist design of the Sony logo is synonymous with Japanese culture. It features the word “SONY” in a large typeface without any accompanying icons, giving power to the business name. It makes the weighty serifs stand out and demonstrates attention to detail.

Black on white continues the minimalist theme, with black denoting a sophisticated corporate brand with a professional identity.

The evolution of the Sony logo:

46. Dell.

The Dell logo is a great example of how starting out simple and making changes from that base is the best way to design a logo.

The Dell logo is pretty straightforward. It features the company name in clean, minimalist lines, encased in a circle. Its simplicity and blue color depict a professional corporate brand.

Intrigue is created by the slanted “E," which embodies its founder's aim to “turn the world on its ear” with its host of revolutionary technologies. The tilted “E” communicates this idea and serves to break a standard design, creating plenty of visual interest that makes it more memorable.

Variations of the Dell logo:

47. Mitsubishi.

Designers of the Mitsubishi logo wanted to create an emblem that personified the company motto of quality and reliability in products and services. The logo features three stacked rhombuses from the Iwasaki family crest, which roots the company in the history of Japanese industry and gives it status and trust.

Simplicity trumps detail because detailed imagery requires some processing, whereas simple visuals tend to stick with people more easily. The minimalist design of the famous Mitsubishi icon makes it memorable and usable in different contexts, and its bright red color always demands that it be seen.

The evolution of the Mitsubishi logo:

48. Rolex.

Luxury brands want to be synonymous with status, sophistication, and prestige, and they tend to use imagery that communicates these ideas. The crown in the Rolex logo signifies royalty, exclusivity, and nobility, endowing its wearers with those same sensibilities.

It also draws inspiration from the company slogan “A crown for every achievement,” while gold and green convey luxury and prosperity.

The crown also hints at an old and respected business, one that has been around for a while and has earned a reputation of trust and admiration.

Variations of the Rolex logo:

49. Continental.

Continental is a tire company renowned for its wide range of durable tires. There are three elements that make its logo one of the most famous around. The first is the clever visual trick involving the letters “C” and “O.” The “C” wraps around its neighbor to make the icon of a tire, which is both memorable and humorous.

The second is the intriguing addition of a horse, which references the rubber hoof buffers that prevent horses from slipping on icy surfaces. This made the horse more mobile and improved transportation, which is exactly what tires do. Horses also symbolize strength, mobility, and endurance.

The last interesting element is the black and orange color combination, which creates gorgeous contrast and holds attention while we study the logo.

Variations of the Continental logo:

50. MasterCard.

The MasterCard logo is one of the most iconic and recognizable designs around. In fact, it is so popular that in 2012, the company decided to drop their name from their branding in favor of the iconic red and yellow circles.

Connection is the theme of the logo, and interlocking circles symbolize the connection between people and financial services that enable money to move around.

Red and orange are positive colors that denote a progressive, ambitious, and human-centered business. People all around the world know and trust this symbol as the gold standard of money transactions, and many look out for it as a sign of trust before making an online payment. It has come to be known as “the MasterCard symbol.”

The evolution of the MasterCard logo:

How to Trademark a Logo

Learn how to trademark a business logo with our step-by-step guide.


What is the most famous logo of all time?

  • Nike.
  • Apple.
  • McDonald's.
  • X.
  • Google.
  • BMW.
  • Coca-Cola.
  • Starbucks.
  • MasterCard.
  • Sony.
  • Amazon.
  • Verizon.
  • National Geographic.
  • Nestlé.
  • Lacoste.
  • Dove.

An iconic logo is an image that is so ubiquitous in society that it is associated with certain emotions and instantly recognizable as belonging to a company. Iconic logos are built on the principles of simplicity and reproducibility, communicating in simple visual terms. Some of the most famous iconic logos include McDonald's, Nike, and Apple.

What are symbolic logos?

Symbolic logos use icons that symbolize an aspect of a business's identity. The curve in the Colgate logo symbolizes a smile, the yellow frame in the National Geographic logo symbolizes photography, and the arrow in the Amazon logo symbolizes transportation.

Color can also carry symbolic meaning. In the eBay logo, the varied color symbolizes product range, while colors such as blue symbolize trust and reliability.

What are the top 10 most recognizable logos of all time?

  • Apple.
  • McDonald's.
  • Facebook.
  • Google.
  • X.
  • Mercedes Benz.
  • MasterCard.
  • Samsung.
  • Amazon.
  • Audi.

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