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Immigration Logo Ideas:



Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

"We take you anywhere in the world" is the message made with simple visuals. Blue is used by advertisers to communicate trust and reliability, branding your immigration service as one that gets the job done. The Righteous typeface continues this trustworthy theme with bold and confident linework.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

Orange is a vibrant and energetic color that creates positive associations with clients. When paired with the icon of a suitcase, it taps into the excitement of new adventures and makes for a great immigration logo. The Mitr typeface has friendly, rounded curves that make your company approachable.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

The icon of a ship is more effective than an airplane in evoking a sense of long-termism, and the Josefin Sans typeface has evenly-spaced letters that create visual breathing room. Sky blue embodies hope and optimism. It suits a company that helps people make their dream move to a new country.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

The prominent tick sign indicates a thorough and diligent administrative process, allaying any anxieties clients might have about showing up in a new country with an incomplete application. Black conveys professionalism and the clean Righteous typeface amplifies this quality of dedication to detail.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

This humorous icon of a house on wheels is a clever way of saying "we uproot your entire life," and the streaks peeling off of it imply a speedy administrative process. Red encapsulates feelings of excitement and joy, and the disarming linework of the KoHo typeface brands your service as friendly.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

The slanted Exo typeface projects movement, dynamism, and action, qualities that suit an immigration service renowned for its swift process. The icon of a rising sun with leaves hints at new horizons and renewal, and the orange and blue combination conveys excitement and trustworthiness.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

Creative iconography makes a logo unique and memorable, and the house that fits in a box is a clever visual aid for an immigration service. The Days One typeface has bold strokes that give authority to your brand, while sky blue represents freedom of movement, optimism, and limitless opportunity.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

This logo taps into the emotions of new beginnings by showing a young family in joyous celebration. The cloud represents their dream of a new life, and the vibrant pink color evokes love and happiness in the client's mind. The Laila typeface has distinctive linework that works as a brand identifier.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

Light blue is the color of idealism and opportunity, while the angular PT Sans Caption typeface mimics the angular lines of the moving box and stands with confidence. Streaks that peel off a moving box point to an immigration service known for its efficient service and painless immigration process.

Immigration logo for a business called Go Citizenship. Edit

Not all logos need icons to make it shine. A lack of imagery gives other visual elements more space, like the bright green color that mimics the "Go" sign on traffic signs and points to a seamless immigration experience. The business name in the stylish Josefin Sans typeface also has a greater presence.

Global Logos

20 diverse logos for your global business.


Where can I download free immigration consultant logos?

You can create, edit, and download immigration consultant logos for free with Zarla's logo maker by clicking on "Edit" beneath one of our examples.

A good immigration logo will communicate your business niche — be it family immigration, work-related moves, asylum-seeker aid, or others — in a creative and memorable way. Use colors that project trust and reliability, as well as typefaces that brand your company as professional and friendly.

  1. Think about your business niche, be it the country you specialize in, skills-specific immigration, legal or logistical expertise, or more.
  2. Think of symbols that represent your company's offerings, or words that associate with reliability, assistance, and adventure.
  3. Use a free logo maker to come up with some immigration logos.
  4. Use feedback from family and friends to narrow your final selection.
  5. Pick your best immigration logo ideas and tweak them until you're happy.
  6. Download the best immigration logo.

Why should my immigration logo be in PNG or vector format?

If you save a logo or any other image in PNG or vector format, it can be used on a variety of digital platforms. Unlike JPEG images, PNG images can be saved with a transparent background, making them ideal for online use, while vector files can be resized without loss in quality. You can use Zarla's logo maker to create your immigration logo and download it in PNG or SVG format for free.

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